Video & Film

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    Photography,  Soviet Lenses,  Video & Film

    MTO-1000AM 10.5/1100mm

    I’ve spent days getting to know the MTO-1000, both its limits and its strengths and have enjoyed using it. The MTO-1000 is by a considerable margin the largest, heaviest, longest, slowest most intimidating and difficult lens I have ever used.…

  • Electronics,  Video & Film

    DIY Motorised Camera Slider

    I’ve been eyeing out motorised sliders for some time but I’ve always been put off by the price or complexity. Having built my own 3D printer and getting to know the ins and outs of stepper motors, drivers and the…

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    Hackery,  Video & Film

    GoPro Gimbal Rig

    While most GoPro gimbals on the market are made for drone use, there are a number of hand held units. While researching I came across the Z1-Rider which separates the controller board from the motors and provides a cabled power/controller.…

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    Video & Film

    Winter Birds

    Here’s a very short film shot on a Canon 550D with 18-55 kit lens. What makes this one significant is that it was shot by my 6 year old son. While we may have used slightly more sophisticated gear to…

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    Video & Film

    Came-TV 7500 Electronic Gimbal

    I’ve been meaning to do a post about this for a while. Over the summer I picked up one of these gimbals for use with my 5D3. It’s a seriously fun bit of kit. I’ve longed for a decent camera…

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    East German Lenses,  Video & Film

    Zeiss Jena Sonnar

    Here’s a quick compilation of some footage I shot in the pouring rain last week. It’s really nothing that interesting but it was a fun day out getting to know the Sonnar a little better and dealing with the challenges…

  • East German Lenses,  Photography,  Video & Film

    Carl Zeiss Jena

    Carl Zeiss (today reunified) have historically been pioneers in the field of optics with many innovations in design carrying through to this day. Zeiss glass has an almost legendary look and while many of the most highly regarded lenses came…

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